You’re One Step Away From Getting My #1 Oil and Gas Royalty...

We’re looking at the best time in decades to invest in oil and gas royalties.
You’re about to discover how to collect monthly income directly from the Permian Basin.
Bloomberg reports that the Permian is “uniquely positioned to become the world’s most important growth engine for oil production.”
While it’s the largest oil basin in the United States, only 37% of its wells have been tapped.
So the lion’s share of growth is ahead of it.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the Permian will drive U.S. oil production to record highs in 2023 and 2024.
And you can get your share of this growth today.
My #1 royalty stream in the Permian has no debt and pays out 95% of all its income to investors each and every month.
Best of all, you can own a piece of this royalty stream for just $25.
It’s one of the greatest income opportunities in the market.
That’s why I want to send you my new reports right away.
Get All of My Promised Free Reports Right Now
The first item I’ll send you is...
Total Value: $456!
You Get It All FREE Just for Becoming a New Subscriber to The Oxford Income Letter
You’ll get your own copy of everything – free of charge – just for taking a trial subscription to my flagship publication, The Oxford Income Letter.
With each monthly issue, I’ll deliver the very best dividend stocks in the market. I’m looking for big yields, fast growth and ultimate safety.
And I’ll show you how to...
- Generate double-digit dividend yields
- Maximize investment growth
- Build a bulletproof passive income stream.
My goal is to help our Members find income opportunities that make life easy... not hard.
Because the real purpose of dividend investing is to provide the income you need to truly enjoy life.
With each issue, I’ll deliver the very best income recommendations in the market.
I’m looking for big yields, fast growth and ultimate safety.
That’s why I’m convinced a subscription will be extremely valuable for you... especially when you consider the price.
The retail price for our flagship publication is just $249 per year.
But today, a subscription can be yours for just a fraction of the normal price.
If you order through this special offer, I’ll drop the price to only $49.
That works out to just $0.13 per day.
Now, to recap, here’s everything you’ll get with your no-risk subscription...

- 12 issues of The Oxford Income Letter (Value: $249)
- Access to all four of our model portfolios: the Instant Income Portfolio, the Compound Income Portfolio, the High Yield Portfolio and the Fixed Income Portfolio
- “The #1 Oil and Gas Royalty” (Value: $199)
- “The Ultimate Gold Royalty Stream: Earn Huge Income From the New Gold Bull Market” (Value: $79)
- “The World’s Leading Oil and Gas Partnership” (Value: $79)
- Dividend Riches video series (Value: $99)
All these reports are yours to keep, no matter what.
Even if you cancel.
All you have to do is fill out the form below.
And remember, with my guarantee, there’s no risk to you at all...

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You are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Your subscription to The Oxford Income Letter is refundable at any time during your first year if you ever decide you want to cancel... no matter the reason.
All the reports, picks and gifts you get today are yours to keep.
In fact, I’m taking it one step further.
I’ll Help You Meet Your Income Goals, or I’ll Work for Free
If you don’t see the chance to meet your income goals over the next year, no matter how big, just call us up.
And I’ll actually give you an EXTRA year of The Oxford Income Letter completely free of charge.
That’s how confident I am.
I have to say, I can’t imagine how I could make this offer any better.
This royalty stream I’ve found is without a doubt the best income opportunity I’ve seen in my career.
I am certain it’s by far the #1 way to take advantage of the surging oil and gas bull market.
Just fill out the secure order form below to get started.
Marc Lichtenfeld
Chief Income Strategist
The Oxford Income Letter